Getting ready for job action!
Now that the Union has applied for conciliation, the reality of either a strike or lockout is nearer. The local will need current contact information to put together a text/phone tree to keep members up to date in union job action activities.
We also need volunteers for the strike committee. Strikes and lockouts are more than just signing in to a picket line. They require a lot of prep beforehand to make sure things run smoothly. Everything needs to be in place, even mundane things like porta-potties and burning barrel permits.
Members should be preparing for the possibility of lost income. You should be saving some money so you can pay bills, etc in the event of job action. Talk to your doctor and ask about getting your prescriptions in advance, if that’s possible. You will receive strike pay if you walk the line, but it will be much less than your regular pay.
Speaking of strike pay, if you have participated in job action in the past, you will notice a difference in strike pay this time around. Previously, you had to “work” (picket) for five days in a week to earn $200 in strike pay. So, if you picketed only one day, you got no pay. This was changed at the last National Convention. Going forward, if you picket for one day, you will get paid. According to Article 7.24 of the National Constitution:
Members who participate in strike actions shall be paid a daily rate of 200 percent of the highest hourly rate of the lowest classification in the Urban Operations Collective Agreement for each day they participate, up to a maximum of five days per week.
This means if you picket for at least four hours in a day, you will be eligible to receive $56.20 for that day. Strike pay will be paid at the beginning of the following week. Please note, that a “week” refers to a 7-day period, which starts on the day of the week that the first day of the strike is. For example, if the Strike starts on a Wednesday, a week would be defined as Wednesday - Tuesday.
In order to receive strike pay, you must be a member in good standing, meaning you are caught up in your dues. You must have signed a Union card, and paid the $5.00 membership fee. If you are not sure what your status is, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer ASAP at