Upcoming Restructure Events

Implementation - Saskatoon West Depot 2
The implementation phase is when letter carriers start delivering to the new routes.

Restructure/Build - Saskatoon West Depot 2
The restructure phase is when the new routes are built using GeoRoute.

Volume Count - Saskatoon West Depot 2
The volume count is when the type of mail is itemized.

Implementation - Saskatoon Main Depot
The implementation phase is when letter carriers start delivering to the new routes.

MSC Implementation - Saskatoon Main Depot HUB
The implementation phase is when letter carriers start delivering to the new routes.

Implementation - Saskatoon East Depot 1 and 3
The implementation phase is when letter carriers start delivering to the new routes.

MSC Restructure/Build - Saskatoon Main HUB
The restructure phase is when the new routes are built using GeoRoute.

Restructure/Build - Saskatoon Main
The restructure phase is when the new routes are built using GeoRoute.

Restructure/Build - Saskatoon East Depot 3
The restructure phase is when the new routes are built using GeoRoute.

Restructure/Build - Saskatoon East Depot 1
The restructure phase is when the new routes are built using GeoRoute.

Volume Count - Saskatoon East Depot 1 and 3
The volume count is when the type of mail is itemized.