Choose, but choose wisely…
Your union and LJHSC committees work hard to keep the employer serious about your health and safety. Things have come a long way, but there is still much to improve.
When the corporation gives you half-hearted warnings that working conditions MAY BE hazardous and you should 'only do what you feel safe doing' -- please think about it.
They are warning you that there is an increased risk, but it is up to YOU whether or not you assume that risk. YOU are the final authority on your health and safety. Do not undermine the strides we have made in workplace safety by voluntarily putting yourself at risk!
If you want to 'be a hero' and try to get everything done in the face of this warning, that is your choice. Deciding when it is safe or unsafe to work is ultimately up to you.
When the employer warns you of an extra risk, we hope you choose your health and the life you have with your loved ones over a pat on the head and a donut.