Laws and Regulations
Government Employee Compensation Act
Canada Labour Code
Canadian Human Rights Act
Your Guide to Understanding the Canadian Human Rights Act
Canadian Postal Service Charter
Employment Equity Act
Pay Equity Act
The Government Employees Compensation Act is administered by the Workers' Compensation Board in each province.
Canada Labour Code Info Booklet
by the Worker’s Resource Centre of Calgary
Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) Website
The Board’s job is to resolve workplace disputes and certain appeals that arise under the Canada Labour Code. The Board is enabled by the Canada Labour Code and governed by by the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations.
Employment Insurance (EI) Info Booklet
by the Worker’s Resource Centre of Calgary
Saskatchewan Traffic Safety Act
The Traffic Safety Act outlines the vehicular traffic rules of Saskatchewan.
Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
Canadian Human Rights Commission Info Booklet
by the Worker’s Resource Centre of Calgary
The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Everyone in the world is entitled to the same fundamental human rights. There are 30 of them, in fact. They are the universal human rights that we, as citizens of this world, have agreed we are all entitled to. They include the right to live free from torture, the right to live free from slavery, the right to own property, and the right to equality and dignity, and to live free from all forms of discrimination
Although the Canada Post Corporation falls under the purview of the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, federal labour legislation that applies to the Corporation falls under the purview of the Minister of Labour.